Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Frightening Territory

This morning the President of the United States is scheduled to speak to all of the public school children in the U.S. I find this a frightening event. Although the White House has released a copy of his prepared remarks, who says he has to stick to this statement? To me this is very Hitler youth like. Why can't he address us in our homes so that parents have the ability to include their input and opinions? I guess the previous sentence answers that question. Our local public school district is not requiring the individual schools or classrooms to broadcast the speech and is asking that those who do choose to show it only do so "in conjunction with relevant curriculum being studied currently". Not a glowing recommendation, but not a refusal either. Since we are homeschoolers, their decision does not impact my family, but I am concerned about my child's friends. As of this writing I still haven't decided as to whether my child will watch the live feed with me or not. His attitude of our current President is not a favorable one, but like anyone under 25 these days he is still impressionable. For now, at least until the government takes it away, it is still my job to make sure he is protected from things that might cause him irrevocable damage; unfortunately, I think this message might fall into this category.
Addition 11:32am (CST)
He did stick to the general speech released. My son did watch. My son's first response when it was over? "His (Obama's) statements don't match his policies." I have to agree; being told how to live by the government will not inspire ingenuity.

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