Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Frightening Territory

This morning the President of the United States is scheduled to speak to all of the public school children in the U.S. I find this a frightening event. Although the White House has released a copy of his prepared remarks, who says he has to stick to this statement? To me this is very Hitler youth like. Why can't he address us in our homes so that parents have the ability to include their input and opinions? I guess the previous sentence answers that question. Our local public school district is not requiring the individual schools or classrooms to broadcast the speech and is asking that those who do choose to show it only do so "in conjunction with relevant curriculum being studied currently". Not a glowing recommendation, but not a refusal either. Since we are homeschoolers, their decision does not impact my family, but I am concerned about my child's friends. As of this writing I still haven't decided as to whether my child will watch the live feed with me or not. His attitude of our current President is not a favorable one, but like anyone under 25 these days he is still impressionable. For now, at least until the government takes it away, it is still my job to make sure he is protected from things that might cause him irrevocable damage; unfortunately, I think this message might fall into this category.
Addition 11:32am (CST)
He did stick to the general speech released. My son did watch. My son's first response when it was over? "His (Obama's) statements don't match his policies." I have to agree; being told how to live by the government will not inspire ingenuity.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Please be honest with me

I have always considered myself a girly girl. Long hair, long nails, things plucked and shaved and perfumed. Not a fashion slave, but must coordinate in color,style, SHOES and I adore skirts. I do like some guy type things; camping (in a pop-up that has electricity and must be close to flush toilets and showers), baseball (at home though; not out in the heat), hockey (my language at games would stun some of my friends) and...okay I think that may be it. But at the ripe old age of 40 I found out how really different I am from most women. I have been married 15 years (dated plenty before that) and am aware of how sometimes males and females have trouble communicating. I have always attributed this to different brains patterns, but apparently there are a WHOLE LOT of women out there who don't say what they really mean. It isn't just to men either, but to other women as well. And since I am part of this "fairer" sex I am supposed to recognize the nuances that clue me in to what they are truly saying. Unfortunately, I am clueless. I'm not sure how I missed out on this comprehension training while growing up. I was raised in 2 households of almost complete women. How did I miss this? My friendship history (mostly guys, all my life) shows my lack of familiarization with these niceties; which is what these women believe they are doing by not speaking their mind. I do not, nor will I ever, consider it pleasant to get so angry with me that you have to end our friendship just because you wouldn’t tell me what was on your mind; especially if I am bugging the crud out of you. Now I realize more women than men are going to be likely to read my ramblings, and I'm not trying to bug the crud out of you, but cut your fellow sisters some slack. Feel free to mess with your man's mind, but tell me like it is!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Just Plugging Along...

"Just Plugging Along..."
A phrase my grandmother used for years, but I am just now truly coming to understand.  For me, it means getting caught up in the day to day necessities and forgetting to notice the bigger picture of your world.  The past several months have seen quite a change for our country, and quite a bit of change for my Midwest.  No longer do we feel safe in our center of the country.  We are being attacked on all of our core views and values.  It is no longer acceptable to be a moral, conservative, hard working, take care of your own (and those you know and love) type of person.  I am supposed to want to depend on the government for my every need and want, instead of being responsible for my own actions, needs, wants or happiness.  If the leaders of our country have their way I will no longer have the right to pursue my happiness.  My happiness will never include the government making my life decisions.  So now many of us have been pushed from plugging into high gear, but the government isn't listening because they got used to us just being concerned about our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  They need to remember who they work for and let me get back to my normal speed.